Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation
Stimulation (Sound Therapy)
Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation (also known as Johansen Sound Therapy) was developed in Denmark by Dr. Kjeld Johansen, director of the Baltic Research Laboratory, from the original work by Christian A. Volf.JIAS has been developed to stimulate the nerve pathways into and within the brain. It is directed particularly to the pathways between the right ear and the left hemisphere of the brain, where information from the ears is first received and from there on down to the deeper processing areas.
Various forms of brain scanning have shown that this stimulation produces increases brain connections, which in the language centre, results in more efficient processing of language.Concentration and understanding improves as information is dealt with more quickly. Literacy skills (reading and spelling) often improve as the child becomes more proficient at analysing the sound structure of words allowing them to benefit from good targeted teaching.

Johansen Sound Therapy can be of benefit to children, adolescents and adults with a variety of speech and/or language difficulties, both spoken and written (including specific learning difficulties and dyslexia). For older individuals, the programme may take longer to complete than for younger people.
Johansen IAS can help
- Speech Sounds (pronouncing speech sounds correctly)
- Receptive Language (understanding of language)
- Expressive Language (speaking)
- Auditory Processing/ listening
- Written Language (dyslexia)
- Reading/ Spelling
- Phonological awareness (awareness of speech sounds)
- Dyspraxia
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Understanding/remembering instructions
- Concentration
- Self confidence and self esteem
- Behaviour – when it may be due to poor communication skills
- Hypersensitivity to loud or particular sounds / noises
Some benefits may include
- Enjoying conversation
- Read and spell more easily
- Coping with background noise
- Staying focused
- Remembering what you hear
- Learning new words
- Following instructions
- Listen and do
- Being more sociable
- Noticing how people feel. Notice hints
- Sing more in tune
- Pick up jokes more easily
What does the program entail?
- A series of assessments and production of music to deal with the specific difficulties the individual displays.
- Listening to this specially designed music for 10 minutes per day.
What is the cost?
- There are four assessment spaced over twelve months.
- Each assessment and CD costs $280 payable at that time. Headphones and CD players to be provided by client – supplies available for purchase from provider. Headphones $65 each, CD players $65 each.

JIAS Impacts On

About Us
Our aim is to provide quality educational assistance to students in a rural situation in the South East of South Australia
Contact Us
PO Box 1176
5 Pinkerton Rd