Visual Processing

Visual Processing

The eyes and the ears are the primary means of delivering information to the brain, a process sometimes called “input.” If either the eyes or the ears aren’t working properly, learning can suffer.

Visual Processing Disorder

Problems in visual perception include missing subtle differences in shapes, reversing letters or numbers, skipping words, skipping lines, misperceiving depth or distance, or having problems with eye–hand coordination. Professionals may refer to the work of the eyes as “visual processing.” Visual perception can affect gross and fine motor skills, reading comprehension, and math.

A Visual Processing Disorder is the inability for an individual to make proper sense of information taken in through the eyes. This disorder has nothing to do with one’s vision or the sharpness of it, but it is the difficulties experienced with how visual information is processed by the sufferer’s brain. The individual may have 20/20 vision but may have problems in figuring out background from foreground, size, forms and positions in space.

Some individuals have difficulties with learning and behavior from time to time but that does not necessarily mean they suffer from any kind of visual processing disorder. However if these signs and symptoms do persist then a visit to a professional will be in order, who will then do testing for visual processing disorders.

Visual Processing is made up of a number of skills:

Visual Discrimination: Using the sense of sight to notice and compare the features of different items to distinguish one item from another;
Visual Figure-Ground Discrimination: Identifying a shape or printed character from its background;
Visual Sequencing: The ability to see and distinguish the order of symbols, words or images;
Visual Motor Processing: Using feedback from the eyes to coordinate the movement of other parts of the body.

Visual Memory

There are two kinds of visual memory

Spatial Relationships:

The ability to understand how objects are positioned in space in relation to oneself. This involves the understanding of distance (near or far), as well as the relationship of objects and characters described on paper or in a spoken narrative.

Visual Closure:

The ability to know what an object is when only parts of it are visible

There are lots of ways the brain processes visual information. Weaknesses in a particular kind of visual processing can often be seen in specific difficulties with practical, everyday tasks.

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Our aim is to provide quality educational assistance to students in a rural situation in the South East of South Australia

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